[Video] wxFormBuilder: Build a Python Gif Viewer – 10 Gif Animator
In this tutorial we add the wx.animate.AnimationCtrl so we can animate Gif images. Take note of the complexity of wx.BoxSizers to create a widget horizontal split.
In this tutorial we add the wx.animate.AnimationCtrl so we can animate Gif images. Take note of the complexity of wx.BoxSizers to create a widget horizontal split.
Our seventh tutorial goes through the frameFixCleaner.py code to cleans up the wxFormBuilder generated python code and adds a main loop so we can run the application. In this tutorial I rehash the code to get it just right and … Continue reading
This is part 4 of building a GIF viewer with python, wxPython widgets and building the GUI using wxFormBuilder. In the last tutorial we added main loop code to the wxFormBuilder generated code. But this didn’t work because we have … Continue reading
If you are reading part 3 of this series, it means I have your attenction and you are very interested in this tutorial series. You will learn how to build a GIF viewer using python, wxpython widgets and the free … Continue reading
I have taught myself how to use wxFormBuilder to build Python GUI applications. As with anything related to python, there is information scattered all over the internet. It’s just a matter of searching, researching and testing various examples until you … Continue reading
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